Theurgic Impulses, a solo exhibition by Miki Aurora, consists of totems, sculptures, and film made in response to the artist’s grieving process. The exhibition holds space for the people lost in the artist's life and was made in the shadow of the Canadian opioid crisis. This is the artist’s first solo show in the United States.
The exhibition will run from Friday, November 11th - December 9th, 2022
About Miki Aurora
Personally identified as a Chaote, everything Miki Aurora does falls under the umbrella of Chaos magic. Aurora describes chaos magic as that which stems from allowing the chaos of causality to flow through and spark the innovation required to fuel the gestures that follow. Aurora links occultism and psychology in their practice by looking at the basic ways the human mind operates, and then using occult methodologies to gain access to what is normally locked in the subconscious, thus using ritual to break through the mental barrier and allow catharsis to take place. Aurora has exhibited at Robert Lynds Gallery, Vancouver, Canada; Pallazo Ca’Zanardi, Venice, Italy; Apiary Studios, London, UK; The James Black Gallery, Vancouver, Canada; as well as many others. Their social sculpture is planned to open in Vancouver in 2023.